"Servitas in cultu et cultus per servitatem"
Worship in Service and Service through Worship

Saturday, December 29, 2012

A joyous time

With just one more Christmas service (Christmas Lessons and Carols) to celebrate before we reach The Epiphany, this verger is glad of a few days rest.  Not that I’m complaining, but after a hectic Advent (including two funerals in eight days) and six services over Christmas, I have been relaxing by making a start on the service bulletins for Epiphany.

After much hard work preparing for our Christmas worship I have to say that one of my favorite moments of the year is on Christmas Eve lining up the procession for the opening hymn “O Come All Ye Faithful”.  The opening bars of this wonderful hymn set the hairs on the nape of my neck a tingle.  Now I know Christmas is here and as I move off to clear the way for the procession I fight hard to concentrate and to keep the tears of joy at bay.  Believe me, it’s a difficult task. 
With a full corps of acolytes, a full choir, and the Thurifer doing his best to distribute the incense evenly, I am overjoyed that we now get to celebrate the Incarnation. 

Thanks to our wonderful Clergy, Eucharist Ministers, Acolytes, especially the indefatigable Acolyte Master, children (who performed in the Pageant magnificently), our Music Director, Choir, Altar Guild, Ushers and the whole St. Philip's community for making the Eve of the Incarnation so joyous.

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