"Servitas in cultu et cultus per servitatem"
Worship in Service and Service through Worship

Friday, November 9, 2012

A day in the life of the Verger

In the last few weeks, our church has seen a Bishop's Visitation (with Confirmations), a celebration of our Patron, a celebration of All Saints (with seven Baptisms and a tribute with presentation to our Verger Emeritus), a funeral, a special Choral Evensong in addition to the normal Eucharist's.

Each of the "out of the ordinary" services are different and take extra planning. That is why we have a customary for each one. Experience shows us that there is a need to occasionally tweak these guidelines. Suggestions at Worship Committee meetings (held to prepare for each season) are taken into account and the Verger, together with the Rector, make any adjustments thought necessary.

A "normal" Sunday will see me at our 9 a.m. Family Service, sometimes at the 8 a.m., before fortifying myself with coffee to prepare for Choral Eucharist at 11 a.m. After vesting there is a comprehensive checklist to go through, the sound systems to check, liaise with the Rector, Music Director, Altar Guild, Acolyte Master and Usher team leader for any last minute issues that might need attention.

After a final visual check of the Sanctuary there follows the head count/roll call of acolytes,lectors, intercessor and chalice bearers. This sometimes can be stressful, as I like to have everyone vested and prepared for pre-service prayers by the final ten minutes before worship begins.

When we are all set it's time to escort the complete altar party to the parish hall foyer for the processional assembly with the choir and clergy for prayers by the Presider.

By the time the organist has finished his voluntary, all the above are assembled in the narthex, the church bell rings, the opening hymn starts, the procession starts and our Sunday worship begins.

Unless I am part of the altar party, my normal place is at the Sacristy door. From there I can keep an eye on almost everything and be ready for any emergency without being visible to the congregation. The "emergencies" can be anything from an extra glass of water for the preacher, a request for another cruet from the Deacon or just closing or opening the altar rail if it has slipped the mind of the acolyte responsible.

Stage manager is sometimes used to describe the verger's work before and during the service. It is a fairly accurate description, but I prefer "minister of ceremonies".

Following the service general housekeeping is the order of the day before I can partake of any refreshments at fellowship hour. After that, ensuring that the church is secure, all candles are extinguished, lights and sound system off before it's time to think about planning the week’s schedule.

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